从20世纪90年代初开始, 智利政治局势稳定,经济稳步增长. 同时, 重要的是要意识到最近发生的示威和破坏. 因此,要扩大到智利日博备用网站应考虑与之合作. 作为南美洲最开放的经济体之一, 再加上其透明的政治领导, 与其他拉丁美洲国家相比,它的竞争力很强. 智利 has free-trade agreements with both the EU and the US and is one of two South American members of the Organisation for Economic Co‑operation and Development (OECD).
作为一个发达的日博备用网站, 智利为日博备用网站公司提供了许多商业和投资机会. 最重要的工业包括采矿业, 林业, 农业和葡萄种植, 在这些领域,日博备用网站的技术和解决方案确实可以发挥作用. 随着贸易 & 投资专员Elsa Stefenson在下面的采访中提到, the Swedish expertise about extraction and manufacturing 流程 can increase productivity and decrease costs. 智利 has also achieved one of the highest positions in the “Easiness of doing business” rank compared to countries in Latin America.
近年来, there has been an increased interest among 智利an companies for digitalisation and technology solutions, 与医疗保健等领域相关, 电子卫生和运输解决方案. 智利的消费量也在上升, 主要是由于购买力的提高, 同时也得益于有利的信用贷款机会. 因此,零售业也经历了大幅增长.
随着经济的增长, 智利为日博备用网站企业拓展和进入日博备用网站提供了很多机会, 但也有一些方面是具有挑战性的. 全国的英语水平都很低, the tax system has a high level of bureaucracy compared to the EU and finding the right local partners to set up your business can be challenging. 除了, Swedish companies may perceive a gap between how information is communicated and transferred into actions by local stakeholders.
日博备用网站商业公司提供战略性建议,可以帮助你建立一个可靠的本地网络. 自2008年以来,我们一直在智利开展业务,我们的当地办事处也覆盖 阿根廷、秘鲁、乌拉圭和巴拉圭.
Jesper Bernhardsson
智利, Argentina and Peru are commodity-based markets, focusing on mining, 林业, and agriculture. These economies are interested in technologies that create efficiency profits in their industries and help to close the competitive gap with the international market. 日博备用网站公司是很有潜力的合作伙伴, thanks to an impressive portfolio of technology suppliers and expertise about 可持续性 in the important 智利an industries. 除了, the growing investments and easy business environment lower the barriers for expansion even more. Countries such as Argentina and Peru are also attractive as they are large domestic markets with plenty of untapped potential.
对许多日博备用网站公司来说,在智利找到合适的合作伙伴可能是一项挑战. There is a high risk that you end up cooperating with a distributor that does not understand the core values of your company. 将损害品牌的风险降至最低, monitoring aspects such as competences and expertise or compliance with CSR guidelines are key when starting a cooperation with a local partner. 另一个挑战是对与日博备用网站距离遥远的认知, 劳动力成本高, 英语水平低, 以及整体的政治经济不稳定. 商业环境中的官僚主义和腐败现象仍然普遍存在, but many countries like 智利 and Uruguay have actively been working on reducing these issues.
一般来说,拉丁美洲有正式的商业文化. 与商业伙伴建立长期关系是很重要的. The ability to communicate effectively in Spanish can be of great value since the level of 英语 is generally low. 组织往往是等级分明的,有明确的职责和指挥链.